We send our warmest wishes to everyone in our community. Please look after yourselves. Here are some helpful links and contacts to help you if you are experiencing difficulty or a crisis.
If you or someone you know are in immediate danger:
Phone 999. If it is not safe to speak use the Silent Solution system and dial 55 when asked.
If you are experiencing, or at risk of domestic abuse:
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline: experienced female advisers available 24 hours a day. Call 0808 2000 247
- Women’s Aid Live Chat: Mon – Fri 10am-12pm chat.womensaid.org.uk/
- You First Dorset: Advice, support and refuges for domestic abuse survivors 0800 0325204
If you have been affected by sexual violence:
- Sexual Trauma and Recovery Service Dorset: Free advisor service, counselling and helpline. Helpline open Mon – Tues: 10am-12pm & 3pm-5pm and Wed – Fri 10am-12pm, 3pm-5pm and 7.30pm-9.30pm 01202 308855
- SupportLine: Free emotional support for survivors of abuse. Phone 01708 765200 or email info@supportline.org.uk
If you need help with essentials during isolation:
- Dorset Council’s community response line: 8am – 8pm 7 days a week 01305 221000
- The Dorset Hub lists local services and community support groups
Looking after your wellbeing and mental health:
- Mind: practical advice on looking after your mental health during isolation
- The Help Hub: Free online or telephone listening service for vulnerable people
- Connection: 24/7 telephone access to mental health advice & support for people all ages, anywhere in Dorset 0300 123 5440