We are very sorry to have to postpone this event. We will advertise the rescheduled event here so please do check back at a later date. In the meantime, you can find out about and support the Word Forest Organisation’s work at wordforest.org.
mark Earth Day 2021 we are teaming up with The Word Forest Organisation to share with you the inspirational documentary film #TreesAreTheKey
Thursday 22 April 7.00-8.30pm
#TreesAreTheKey is a film by Tim Tyson Short and narrated by Kate Winslet, which tells the story of the tree-planters of Boré, Kenya. It is an optimistic film that illustrates a powerful example of positive change, with women at the forefront.
The film was made in conjunction with The Word Forest Organisation, a Dorset charity that plants trees, builds classrooms and facilitates education in rural Kenya. It also shines a spotlight on the women’s empowerment group, Mothers of the Forest. Find out more The Word Forest Organisations’s amazing work, and background to the film at www.wordforest.org.
We are really looking forward to hearing about the amazing partnership that is forming between some Dorset residents and a community 5,000 miles away!
The screening will take place via Zoom, with an introduction from Tracey West from The Word Forest Organisation.
The 40-minute film will be followed by panel discussion to follow up on the film’s themes. We will be welcoming guest panellists:
- Tracey West Tracey is the CEO of the Word Forest Organisation and also a valued Patron of WAND. She is a passionate environmentalist, author and broadcaster on sustainability.
- Emma Smart Emma is a former Ecologist and Extinction Rebellion campaigner. For the last 2 years she has been a full-time climate activist.
- Shamanic Willow Willow is a Shamanic Practitioner and Wisewoman. Willow’s Shamanic nature-based practises uses tree energy for healing and encourage deep respect for nature.
We hope the film will spark discussion about our relationship with the environment, the value of trees both here and in the tropics and how women fit into the conversation about environment and development.
FREE EVENT Donations to The Word Forest Organisation are welcomed.