As part of our New Strategy, every year, Women’s Action Network Dorset (WAND) will choose 3 priorities – specific issues, specific communities of women or specific causes on which we will focus our attention, raise funds and create partnerships and opportunities.
In 2022 these will be our priorities:
- Women from minority or marginalised backgrounds, particularly those from racialised communities.
“If you are from a minority in a county where there are few minorities, that makes you even more of a minority. Not many people really get that” Natalie Sherring CEO Dorset Race Equality Council April 2021
- Young Women experiencing difficulty with their mental health
“The number of young women repeatedly attempting to end their lives by suicide is at an alarming and tragic all time high” Public Health Dorset October 2021
- Women who have experienced gender-based violence, domestic violence, abuse or modern day slavery
“Many survivors of domestic abuse are unable to access specialist help or are delayed in doing so for a long time” Women’s Aid Domestic Abuse report early Release January 2022