
10:00 am - 1:30 pm


The Hub
Church Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset, DT7 3BS


This is a female, adult only event.

Our damaging and disruptive pasts can haunt us for years, leaving us feeling broken, worthless, often believing our bodies and physical appearance have something to do with it.

This empowering workshop with Tracey West, Patron of the Women’s Action Network Dorset and strong supporter of the Dorset Women’s Refuge, will help you leave those disparaging thoughts behind and start to change your negative self-view.

It’s a radical, revolutionary body confidence workshop that gently challenges you to look at your body, the precious vehicle that carries you around, and in an empathetic, safe environment, explore a few fun ways to learn to love the skin you are in.

After a very uplifting talk and some stand up poetry about why we need to be happy with the person who stares back at us in the mirror, you will be given the opportunity to remove or adjust your clothing so you can pay attention to the parts of your body that have been labelled and are the cause of ridicule, abuse, pain or regret.

We’re talking about scars, wrinkles, stretchmarks, wobbly bits, unwell bits, the wrong shaped breasts, bottoms and waistlines and more! All areas will be covered (or rather uncovered then painted) and you do not have to make any of your reasons public to the group if you don’t want to.

Armed with non-toxic body paint, glitter and giggles, we’ll be peeling away our layers of sadness and covering ourselves in strength, love, colour and words.

We’ll be painting beautiful hearts, flowers and symbols of hope and freedom on our bodies and writing positive, protective messages to ourselves on our skin. We’ll also learn about the power of writing secret messages on our bodies, then covering them with clothes before we head out to face our demons (horrible ex’s, solicitors, the authorities etc).

“Women are truly beautiful on a cellular level and this body positive workshop will do its best to ensure you never forget it!”

May involve partial or full nudity and will probably involve tears!

Refreshments will be served during the event and a delicious vegetarian lunch will be provided.

Arrive 10am for refreshments and a 10.15am start.
Lunch: 12.30pm.
Ends: 1.30pm.

ALL proceeds are going to the Women’s Action Network Dorset and the Dorset Women’s Refuge.

Tickets £6 includes refreshments and lunch.

You have two options to pay:

Electronic Bank Transfer to Magic Oxygen
Sort Code: 60-13-57
Account Number: 51056380
Reference: Please insert your name

Or via PayPal, click the button below