Since our last Newsletter we have been testing our new Strategy and getting to know many new Women who have joined us, followed us, reached out to us, or spoken with us. We are delighted with how enthusiastic everyone is about what we are doing. We apologise that we have been so busy that we have not been able to send a newsletter for some time. So here it is, better late than never.
Meet the Committee
We are delighted to have some new committee members, so we have added a new page to our Website to introduce them. We still have vacancies if you are interested in joining our committee. Send us an email at WANDorset@gmail.com
Dorset Women’s Charter
As part of our Strategy, we are promoting the concept of a Dorset Women’s Charter. It is our intention to create a charter that unifies the Women of Dorset with a pledge to tackle inequality. The first step to creating this charter is to bring together Dorset Women Changemakers to begin a conversation about what might be involved. Would you describe yourself as a Changemaker? Or do you know someone influential, inspirational or interesting who you think we need to include in our plans? If so let us know at WANDorset@gmail.com
Later in the year we will be organising some collaboration and networking events to begin work on the Dorset Women’s Charter. Please let us know if you’d like to be involved and follow us on social media for updates.
Trans-Inclusion Policy
We are proud of our values at WAND and we have been working with Steph’s Place to write our very own Trans-Inclusion Policy which you can now find on our website. WAND is a fully inclusive and safe, collaborative organisation and our approach to this is set out in our policy. Please take a look.
Women’s Health
Have you seen the Women’ Health Strategy released this week? We will be hosting an event to discuss, challenge, digest and consider local implementation of this important strategy on 21st September 2022. *SAVE THE DATE* We will get more info out to you as soon as we have it. We will be proudly co-hosting the event with local charities and experts in Women’s Health.
We continue to receive responses to our #WANDThreeQuestions campaign. We are asking women about the important issues they want to see change and the superpowers they use every day to manage busy lives and tackle inequality.
Have you given us your answers yet? Complete the questions here.
We are beginning to see some emerging themes from what women are telling us and these are informing what we are doing. Highlights include Women’s Health, Pay Inequality and Opportunities for Women’s Events.
WAND Connect Events
We have been working hard to bring together events across Dorset designed exclusively for Women on our website and to share them across our Social Media Platforms.
There has been an incredible range of brilliant events going on in a wide range of subjects from women’s only D.I.Y courses to female-only DJ’s at Bournemouth’s leading nightclub. From women’s history events at the Shire Hall Museum to women’s fertility and pregnancy wellbeing events. And everything in between!
We have been blown away at how much is going for Women. If you are running an event, know someone who is, or have some ideas that we can help with, please let us know at wandorset@gmail.com . We love hearing from you and can’t wait to expand the opportunities available to enable women to connect at these events.
Have you watched the first two video conversations of our #WANDWith series? This programme of conversations is designed to introduce you to high profile, influential and inspirational women in Dorset. So far, we’ve spoken to Dr Anjana Khatwa – Earth Scientist and TV Presenter, Elspeth McBain – CEO of The Lighthouse Centre for the Arts in Poole and Vikki Slade – former leader of BCP Council. We have more amazing women coming up so watch this space! Find our interviews on YouTube here.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have some new and exciting volunteer opportunities so let us know if you have a few hours to spare to help us to deliver our new strategy
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Social Media
Keep up to date on what we’re up to week by week follow us on social media. We’re on all the usual platforms as @DorsetWomen
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